Paddle Lessons & Training

SUP Yoga instruction available with WV YOGA GIRL

Private Lessons
Any of our lessons described under
GROUP LESSONS can be made private.
We can also customize lessons for your needs and abilities.
SUP is great for getting in shape during your offseason or between workouts & races.
SUP is a low Impact workout which will strentghen your body literally from head to toe.

Group Lessons
Starter SUP - 1 hour
A quick introduction to the basics in equipment, the water environment, & manuvers and strokes.
Introduction to SUP - 2 hours
This class gets you comfortable with the basics in equipment, the water environment, & manuvers and strokes.
Essentials of SUP - 4.5 hours
This class gets you comfortable with the equipment, the water environment, water safety & manuvers and strokes.
The second part of this class will include putting the skills together in a paddle trip.

Home Lessons
Do you have a home body of water?
Do you feel more comfortable trying it at the privacy of your own river or lake house?
Great for birthday parties and family outtings!

Kids Lessons
SUP for the Kids - 2.5 hours
This class is all about getting the little ones out on the water and having FUN.

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."
John muir

Essential Eligibility Criteria (EEC):
WV SUP courses are open to all individuals who acknowledge the ability to perform the following essential eligibility criteria.
Breathe independently (i.e., not require medical devices to sustain breathing)
Independently maintain sealed airway passages while under water
Independently hold head upright without neck / head support
Manage personal care independently or with assistance of a companion
Manage personal mobility independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance
Follow instructions and effectively communicate independently or with assistance of a companion
Independently turn from face-down to face-up and remain floating face up while wearing a properly fitted life jacket
Get in / out of a paddlecraft independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance
Independently get out and from under a capsized paddlecraft
Reenter the paddlecraft following deep water capsize independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance
Maintain a safe body position while attempting skills, activities and rescues listed in the appropriate Course Outline, and have the ability to recognize and identify to others when such efforts would be unsafe given your personal situation